Mom, teacher, writer, seamstress, blogger, movie buff, reader, dessert lover, reality TV watcher, game show contestant aspirer, coffee drinker, cat owner, bad housekeeper, good selfkeeper, procrastinator, library book delinquent, fabric buff, impulsive shopper, thrift store rummager, mediocre cook, laundry ignorer, night owl, word nerd, cereal eater.
Do you have too much time on your hands???? Lv K :)
You're too funny! (And a great artist!) But go get yourself some ant traps before they drive you nuts!
The sad thing is I do NOT have too much time on my hands. I actually fit this IN! :)
The exterminator comes Friday and says he will come back and back until they are gone! Hallelujah.
Great comic, though!
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